Friday, April 25, 2008

i have migrated!

Dear People,
I have migrated my blog to:
do come visit my blog... adios!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

have we block the way?

Am thinking.
when people do something wrong & we are so angry with them.

very naturally, you will ignore or just pretend that they doesnt exist, right?
then, how?

if one day, they realize that they r @ fault, they will find no way to come near..
by being cold, & not concern, have we block their way back?

i dunno! sigh..

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The correct timing?

I have been having this thoughts, to keep in touch with my primary & secondary schoolmates.
To achieve what i want, my first effort is joining the facebook's group call " I Am From Malacca"

I have even wrote something on the walls. It says:
Hey all, My full name Susan Tan San San. my kindergarden is at Hua Ming, in Pokok Mangga. My primary school is SRJKC Cheng & secondary school is in Notre Dame Convent.I am trying to look for my primary & secondary schoolmates. if you are one of them, please contact me?
Terima Kasih~~~

After that, i searching randomly in the facebook engine..
Tried, fail. try again. fail again. lastly i manage to get in touch with ONE primary school friend.
He is one year senior than me. but then, that's a start, right? :)

Anyway, i have gone through his blog @ & found out that he is trying to contact primary schoolmates too.
so, the timing is correct! maybe i cant ride on his effort, to find many many more primary schoolmates!! yeah ~~ Yeah~~

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


今天是地球日. 电台都频频播出环保与回收的知讯. 听见一个令我有点惊讶的.

玻璃,是个很难分解的固体.若是完全分解,它需要用上一百万年!! 是, 是一百万年!
若回收一个玻璃瓶,节省下的能源, 能让一个100瓦士的灯泡,维持亮着4个小时.

所以, 请多多支持环保&回收. 谢谢.


公司为了录用一些影像,请了一位漂亮妹妹来录音. 这漂亮妹妹可不是一般. 她除了样貌标青,销售成绩也是在数千人的榜首.
唯一遗憾的是, 她的英文发音,真的是让人听了不敢恭维..
一个短短几分钟的影像, 整个过程就用了大约3个小时..

苦了所有的工作人员. 反反复复的听了上百遍的破碎稿词, 折腾了整个早上.


这世上, 真的是很多贪得无厌的人。
他们的样子,真的是神憎鬼厌。 大家都有着窄小的额头,令人很讨厌的嘴。
有时,也会讨厌自己。明明恨透他们, 对他们还是要低声下气。

Monday, April 21, 2008

simple life

simple life, isnt that what we want? hmm.. however, it's not as easy to have a simple life, coz, human, in nature, is a complicated creatures.
human always complicate a matter.
complicates the love life, complicates the working relationsip, complicated everything.

so, how do we HAVE a simple life?
1. minus all the " what if" in your questions of your life. when things happen, take it as it come.
2. do not have an " extremely well planned" plan . when you plan, you only plan for the worst. but if the chances & the %%%% of becoming that bad is as little as the % of flying into the clouds without wings, then forget about it!
3. when things are not happening as you plan or wish, then, just review & move on!
let all the sorrow & demotivation go, & GO FAST! there is no point of dwelling on things that happened.
and lastly, do not sweat on little tiny & useless thing.

if all of the above are done, you will have much simplier life... :P believe me..
Happy SIMPLE LIFE~~~~~